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Kamis, 08 Agustus 2013

Selamat Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1434 H

Di Hari Nan-FITRI ini..
Saya Admin Blog Buat Bisnis Online

Mengucapkan :
 "SELAMAT IDUL FITRI 1434 H - Mohon Maaf Lahir & Bathin"

Atas segala Khilaf baik yang disengaja atau Tidak
Kawan, ane minta maaf atas kesalahan yang ane lakukan. Semoga Allah SWT mengampuni dosa-dosa kita. Selamat Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1434 H. Mohon maafin masyuli ya!
Taqoballahu mina waminkum
(Semoga Allah Menerima apa yg dari saya juga anda)
Shiyamana wa shiyamakum..
(Puasa saya juga puasa anda) .. Amin..

NB :
Mohon maaf juga ya..
Untuk yang Non Muslim ^_^

Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Business Catalyst CMS Templates

Business Catalyst CMS templates are the perfect way to customise your Adobe Business Catalyst based website. Adobe Business Catalyst is a powerful CMS that offers much more than the typical fare. As well as the ability to add and manage your own online content, it also enables you to view data on your visitors, manage customer relations, and conduct extensive email marketing campaigns all from a single, convenient online login.

The platform is installed on your web server and this means that you can then login from any computer as long as it has Internet access. You can manage all of your content, read your email, and conduct any other processes that are required for the day from anywhere in the world, or just anywhere in the office. This convenience has helped make Business Catalyst so popular.

However, if you have only limited experience working with the software or you have little or no website design expertise then it can still prove difficult to create a unique and good looking website design. This is where Business Catalyst CMS templates really show their worth. A professional designer can create a stunning looking design that not only looks good but offers functionality to you, others that manage the website and its contents, and your website visitors.

Whatever industry you serve and whatever your business does, having an appropriate website design is important. You need your website to stand out from the competition and to provide elements that no other website offers. This will help you to provide a unique and beneficial service to all of your clients and it will offer you a great opportunity to develop relationships with new leads and to generate new customers.

Business Catalyst CMS templates can be completely customised to meet your requirements, no matter how unique they might be. It�s more than simply picking a colour and running with it, and you can have various elements added to the website including news feeds, blogs, forums, and even membership options and data collection forms. Using all of these elements you can create a hugely profitable online venture to propel your online business to success.

Some Simple Tips on How to Optimize Alt Texts

One area where web designers and search engine optimization (SEO) professionals usually butt heads is over the use of images as text instead of actual plain text, usually done in the navigation or other important elements of a website. This can cripple an SEO implementation by limiting the effectiveness of elements that could have been textually based, as text is much more effective for interlinking. This is just one area where image alt text can be very useful.

Alt text � which are found in the �alt� portion of image tag � allows you to add a short descriptor of the image, whether it�s a photograph, a navigational element or some other useful image or graphic. Alt text allows you to describe to users who hover their mouse over an image what they�re seeing, but for SEO, Services, it also gives the search engine more information than the image�s file name might. Optimizing image alt text is a part of any effective on-site SEO campaign, and in this article, we�ll give you some tips on how to optimize alt texts to make them more useful and effective.

First, if there is text in your image, make sure your alt text matches it precisely. If it�s a one-word image such as menu item, for example, you would include this word in your alt text, as well as possibly a short description of the menu item. This gives the search engine some idea as to what that element is all about.

Secondly, for pictures and other descriptive images, you want at most a sentence describing what users can see in that picture, and again, it has to match what the picture actually is. Google�s crawlers can�t see images, but humans can, and if one of Google�s engineers see that you�re filling your image alt tags with irrelevant information, it could raise red flags.

Finally, not every image has to have an alt text in it. You wouldn�t add alt text to transparent spacer images used to align other elements of a page together, for example, but you would add alt text to all important and relevant images on a page. Alt text doesn�t carry the weight of actual readable text in the eyes of the search engines, but it�s better having it than not.

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Kiat Membuat Toko Online

Para pelaku usaha memilih menjalankan usahanya dengan cara online, karena dengan internet dapat menjangkau pasar yang lebih luas daripada jangkauan pasar toko offline. Selain itu bisnis online tidak membutuhkan modal yang terlalu besar, karena tidak memerlukan biaya tempat ataupun biaya peralatan sebesar toko offline. Memang idealnya bisnis online dilakukan secara penuh alias fulltime. Namun ada kalanya, terutama bagi pemula bisnis internet memilih untuk memulai bisnis online sebagai bisnis sampingan. Dan ini sama sekali bukan masalah. Berikut beberapa kiat-kiat yang mudah di jalankan untuk memulai bisnis online

Buatlah desain website atau blog yang digunakan sebagai tempat berjualan semenarik mungkin. Sehingga para konsumen merasa senang dan nyaman dengan tempat usaha anda, seperti mereka masuk ke dalam toko offline yang display tempatnya menarik, rapi, dan memberikan kenyamanan pada konsumen.
Walapun toko online tidak melayani konsumen dengan bertatap muka langsung, namun pelayanan yang diberikan tetap sama? Bertujuan memberikan kepuasan terhadap konsumennya. Salah satu caranya dengan menyediakan fasilitas pelayanan chating online ataupun layanan call center.
Untuk pelayanan pembayaran, sediakan fasilitas pembayaran dengan mencantumkan nomor rekening bank yang memiliki jaringan luas atau yang memiliki nasabah banyak. Karena konsumen akan lebih senang jika melakukan pembayaran melalui rekening bank.
Lakukan promosi untuk toko online Anda, gunakan SEO untuk membantu meningkatkan kunjungan pada website toko online Anda. Selain itu Anda juga bisa memasang iklan baris ataupun iklan baner pada situs-situs yang telah memiliki banyak pengunjung (Baik iklan gratis maupun berbayar).
Lakukan sekarang. Jangan berkata nanti. Kesempatan tidak datang dua kali. Ambil kesempatan sekarang dan jangan pernah menunda tindakan Anda.
Anda ingin berbisnis online tapi ingin langsung tanpa mendesign web ?
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